
The municipality of Woensdrecht consists of the villages Hoogerheide, Huijbergen, Ossendrecht, Putte and Woensdrecht. The municipality is located near the border with Belgium about 25 km from Antwerp, in the province of Noord-Brabant.

The municipality of Woensdrecht has approximately 22.000 inhabitants. Woensdrecht covers about 100 square kilometres.

The Town Hall, situated at Huijbergseweg 3, 4631 GC in Hoogerheide, is the location where you can enquire about public services or get information concerning the municipality. The departments are open to the public from Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 12.30 hours, on Tuesday evening from 17.30 to 20.00 hours. In the afternoon you can visit the departments only by appointment.

If you have any questions about the municipality of Woensdrecht, or about our website, please contact us (+31) 164 - 61 13 33, email address: info@woensdrecht.nl

Municipality of Woensdrecht, P.O. Box 24, 4630 AA Hoogerheide, The Netherlands
visitors address: Huijbergseweg 3, 4631 GC Hoogerheide, The Netherlands
phone (+31) 164 - 61 13 33, email address: info@woensdrecht.nl

Kaart met de ligging van Woensdrecht
Map with the location of the municipality of Woensdrecht. Located in the south of The Netherlands near Bergen op Zoom and the Belgium city of Antwerp.